Welcome to Internal Audit
Welcome to Internal Audit at Western Washington University. We hope you will take a few moments to review our site. Our goals for this website are to provide you with information about the department and show the ways in which we can assist the university community.
The Executive Director reports functionally to the Finance, Audit and Enterprise Risk Management Committee of the Board of Trustees and administratively to the President. We are committed to assisting WWU management and staff in achieving their oversight, operating and management responsibilities through independent reviews designed to evaluate and promote the system of internal controls established by management.
In addition to formal audits and investigations, we are happy to answer questions and provide advice regarding university policies and federal and state regulations. We also works proactively as a consultant in areas such as compliance, internal controls, and emerging risks.
University employees are encouraged to report improper governmental actions. The Reporting Improper Governmental Actions web page provides information on this process and at the bottom of the web page is an anonymous reporting tool.
We hope this site will answer your questions regarding Internal Audit, our staff, and our responsibilities.